079 064 9375 Info@africandet.org


The Malapa-Motsetse Foundation capitalizes on the significant opportunities presented by the current growth in smart device technology such as tablets, laptops and smart boards, replacing ineffective traditional teaching and learning methods (chalk and talk, and textbooks), thereby preparing teachers and their learners to meet 21st-century challenges. We provide teachers with courses covering computer literacy, current educational systems, educational leadership, blended learning, differentiated classrooms, digital teaching plans, and the use of STEM digital content in the school and classroom environment, etc. New in 2018 are four modules on Strand 4: Diversity, Change and Continuity (Human Evolution) geared towards enriching Grade 12 Life Sciences teachers.

We offer courses with more practical and theoretical content, including the creation of a Portfolio of Evidence and a research component. We deliver programs to all Primary and Secondary schools within and around Westbury village. We believe that all members of the teaching community (from the Principal through administrative staff and teachers) can be enriched by our knowledge, research, as well as digital and technological experience. Our programs are continually revised and updated to ensure that they remain relevant and current.

All participants are offered an opportunity to share their suggestions regarding what they wish to see in terms of Malapa-Motsetse Foundation related learning programs in the future.


Malapa-Motsetse Foundation advises schools interested in the programme to send their confirmation at least 3 days before the planned programme start date.

View our training schedule through June 2017 here: Malapa-Motsetse Foundation TEACHER TRAINING SCHEDULE MARCH-JUNE 2017


Kindly download our Malapa-Motsetse Foundation TEACHER TRAINING REGISTRATION FORM 2017 and send to: Pretty@africandet.org or Lindsay@africandet.org.


Malapa-Motsetse Foundation does not only focus on teaching/facilitating the programmes. Our team remains current on information and compliance systems in order to better assist. This includes, but is not limited to SACE CPDP (assisting in registering for SACE to capture their obtained Professional Points (PD)).


Pretty Mabowa

Lindsay Hunter

  • (National Geographic “Umsuka” Public Paleoanthropology Programme Manager/Facilitator)
  • 079 064 9375
  • Lindsay@africandet.org